A place where I'm free to ramble as much as I like...

Oxfam Unwrapped Christmas Wishlist
Find It Here

What am I up to?
Not a lot today

What am I listening to?
The sound of silence

What am I reading?
The Serpent on the Crown - Elizabeth Peters

Today I am feeling

Lush Skin Care Products
Lush USA

moon phases

My Amazon Wish list

Blinkies courtesy of Twisted & Sardonic and Moon Pixel Graphics

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Daily Reads

Soap and Stuff Ebay Shop
Soap and Stuff Ebid Shop
Craft Addict
Maison des Eags
Tilly Mint
My Boyfriend is A Twat
Bacon, Cheese and Oatcakes
The Musings of Mysterywoman
I'm Hip To You
X Factor 2005



Addicted To Blog!
Monday, April 23, 2007  
Back from me hollies!

I was only away for a week in Lanzarote. A fantastically chilled out week it was too. No phones, no 'puters.
..bliss! My 'puter has been on the blink but seems to be working ok now, I think it may be a power source problem...errr at least that's what hubby says LOL

I've shut up Shop on Ebay for awhile, got quite a bit going on here. The bathroom is getting done in a couple of weeks and I've got lots of sorting out to do and stuff to take to the charity shop. Plus Andy and I have got a website to work on. I need to kick his butt to get a move on with it. ;0)

Our visitor from Canada is still with us, and it's been really lovely having a house guest. We do need to take him out somewhere though, and I mean further than the pub! LOL Maybe we will go to Jodrell Bank if the weather clears up a bit. I can't believe we've come back to all this rain! You had gorgeous weather whilst we were away. My garden is glad of the rain though...some of my plants have unfortunately died, so I've got my brother and Dad coming to sort the garden out in a couple of weeks. I'll get some plants in and my Dad will have a lovely time potting them up into tubs and baskets. :0)

| 6:04 pm

Monday, April 02, 2007  
This is me!

| 12:26 am

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