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The sound of silence

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The Serpent on the Crown - Elizabeth Peters

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Lush Skin Care Products
Lush USA

moon phases

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Soap and Stuff Ebay Shop
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Craft Addict
Maison des Eags
Tilly Mint
My Boyfriend is A Twat
Bacon, Cheese and Oatcakes
The Musings of Mysterywoman
I'm Hip To You
X Factor 2005



Addicted To Blog!
Sunday, May 20, 2007  
Still no bath!

So the bathroom and most of the rest of the house is still a mess. But we do now have a new toilet in which flushes...hurrah...but it is covered in black dust, as are most
things in the house :0(
I keep cleaning up but I'm fighting a losing battle.

Anyway, here are some pics of the bathroom before, and what it looks like at the moment. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it will be gorgeous when it is finished, with a separate shower, whirlpool bath, and solid oak vanity sink unit. Ooo yes, and dimmer spotlights too. Still going up to the inlaws for showers at the mo though. Honestly it's worse then bloomin' camping!

Nasty avocado bath with crap shower and falling down shower curtain! This is the before!

More avocado/slate green loveliness...NOT!

Our new loo and some tiles on the wall...woohoo! Pipes in wall for shower cubicle, where the sink used to be.

Oh my Gawd! New pipes run for sink unit on the right. Pipes on the left are for the bath.

| 7:29 pm

Friday, May 18, 2007  
Total Chaos!

Aaaargh, what has happened to my lovely home? The blokey chaps have started work on the bathroom. I don't expect the work to end any time soon. Everything has had to be replumbed as we are moving stuff around in the bathroom, so that means taking floor boards up and running miles of copper piping. The walls have now been replastered, but we no longer have a loo that flushes, but we do have some tiles on the walls. I'm trying to look on the bright side here :0) Our lovely neighbours habve left their keys with us so that we can use their loo and shower during the day. Bless them, they are such a lovely couple.

Right it's late I'll ramble on more about this tomorrow and perhaps put some pictures up too.

| 12:35 am

Thursday, May 03, 2007  

Well this IVF has been abandoned, very poor response to the drugs...peed off and upset. We can try again but not sure yet what we want to do. Was hoping this would be the end of it all, one way or another, now it's gonna drag on for longer. So yeah, wish I'd kept it all to myself now :0( My ovaries are crap and there's no getting away from it.

| 1:35 pm

Tuesday, May 01, 2007  
Here we go again!

So it's now out amongst friends and relations so I might as well post about it on here. We are doing IVF again. Our NHS 'go' finally came through, after spending almost £15000 on private treatment. The letter came in January and we both felt really weird about it. We'd just about accepted that we were going to be a childfree couple and that I was too old to be offered a 'free' treatment by the NHS. Anyway, it seems that our consultant really pressed our case and so we were accepted after being on the waiting list for 3 years. I really feel for those couples who have to wait for that long and can't afford to go privately in the meantime.

Eventually we decided that we didn't want to have any regrets about treatment so we agreed to go through with this one. I didn't want the menopause to start and be thinking, I wonder if that last treatment would have worked. I'm not holding out much hope, I'm a pretty poor responder to the drugs, despite the fact that I am on a high dosage again. Infact yesterday's scan showed that nothing was going on with the old ovaries, not a single follicle! But I don't finish the jabs until next Monday so there is time yet. I've been downing milk by the pint, taking my vitamins for the past 3 months and knocked the booze on the head as soon as I got back from me hollies. Infact I didn't drink very much whilst we were on holiday, and the wine I did have was watered down with a pile of ice cubes in the glass.

So I guess we have to be philosophical here, we'd both love it to work of course but in our hearts we have both accepted that perhaps this is more of a treatment that will finally give us some closure, as the Americans say. Of course there continues to be that little hopeful voice inside my head whispering, 'but this might just be the one'...9th May is Egg Collection Day and hopefully 11th May will be Embryo Transfer so in 10 days time the wondering will be over and perhaps the 2 weeks of waiting will begin again. We shall see.

| 1:33 pm

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